
Previously known as MilkSnootslots:0/3


Here you will find the available options and current queue/ commission status, as well as prices and additional fees!

TOS and Blacklist

Here you will find my TOS and other important information. Please make sure you read this thoroughly BEFORE commissioning me!!

Art examples

Some more art examples to help you decide on a commission!


Please note that you must contact me yourself.
Commissioning me through a middleman is not
only stressful, but also frustrating to deal with, I no
longer wish to do that.
Please also keep in mind that I am unable to use sites for queue
updates - I am happy to update you via DMs and usually let you know
a rough deadline in advance anyway - I am usually too fast too update
a trello or smth lol.

!! Please make sure you view this sheet on the desktop version of this website, for better visibility, should you still be unable to read the listed prices, you can DM me!!

I do NOT draw the following:
- Full on gore
- Kinks and fetishes
- Extreme obesity
- 100% Mecha characters
- Humans
- Centaurs
- Hard drug use
- Closed species
- Weird, unusual fetishes
- Kink related gear
- Problematic content
- Political stuff
- Hateful stuff
- Extremely complex design (Inquire)
Please make sure your provided ref is flat colored and SFW.
(does not have to be a full ref sheet)
If unsure about pricings, you can ask for a quote!

Please Note that I have disabilities and can be slow at times! Generally I will communicate any issues beforehand.

IMPORTANT NOTES ABOUT ETIQUETTEPlease be ready to commit to payment BEFORE commissioning.
I will not hold commission slots for longer than 48hours. If you do
not pay within that time frame, I will give the slot to someone else.
If you have a problem with your commission I expect you to tell me. If you let me know you are happy with it, I see buisness completed and WILL remove the editable file from my desktop. If you then tell me that you need changes, I will not be able to do them.I WILL blacklist you, if you complain behind my back instead.

Blacklistable offenses
- Any bigotry
- Rude behaviour
- Rushing me, excessive incquiry
- Ableism
- Talking behind my back about things you are unhappy with
- Stealing
- Using AI in any way, shape or form.
I do not blacklist people for private disagreements, unless these involve
Bigotry, ableism, stalking, theft or usage of AI generators.

FAQWhy am I blocked?I block for multiple reasons, which are most likely not personal. Common reasons are: Toxicity, Drama, AI in profile, heavy NSFW, Zoophile, Pedo, parasocial behaviours, bigotry, suggestive minor.--------------------------------------------
Can I still commission if I am blocked?
No, a block is a clear boundary of not wanting to interact.-------------------------------------------
Why won't you draw closed species?
I generally disagree with the concept and do not wish to endorse or be associated with it.
Can we be moots/friends?
I usually immediately say no to that question because this is likely a question asked to many. These things come naturally, not by asking.
Can I give you an AI generated image as reference?
No. I will not accept commissions that are in any way linked to AI generated pictures and will not work with such images in any capacity.
This is so expensive! Can you make it cheaper?
My prices are already compareably low. I do a lot of free art and discounted stuff already, I will not work with you!
I didn't read TOS, because you didn't send it!
As with any buisness transaction, the client is expected to look at the TOS prior to purchase. This site, which has TOS etc. is linked in my profile and easily accessible. Once you commission, you agree to all TOS.
Hey, I'm in contact with your stalker and want to hear your side of the story/Snoop around
Stalkers get their information on people through third parties more often than not. This kind of stuff gets you blocked and blacklisted immediately. It sucks that I even have to put this here as a FAQ.
Hey, you've finished this commission a few days ago, can you change this detail?
All edits must be made within the actual time of commission work. Once a piece is finished, I can do minor edits, but not days later. I may allow you to make changes yourself, if they are small, but I would like to be asked first.

TERMS OF SERVICE- I reserve the right to refuse working with you with or without provided reason.- The client must make payments upfront and within 48 hours of commissioning, unless a different agreement was made. The time limit is in place, so that the commission slot isn't occupied for nothing.- I reserve the right to cancel your commission for provided reason.- client receives full refunds only if work hasn't been started yet. No refunds if lineart has been completed already.- No refunds will be provided if work on a commission of 10€ value or less has been started on.- Client shall not commission with the intent to reproduce and/or otherwise use the Work in any manner for purposes of training artificial intelligence technologies to generate work, including without limitation, technologies that are capable of generating works in the same style or genre as the Work. Nor shall Client sublicense others to reproduce and/or otherwise use the Work in any manner for purposes of training artificial intelligence technologies to generate work.- I am a disabled artist with an unreliable part-time schedule and may not be as fast as others. By commissioning me, the client understands and accepts this.

- The client receives full rights to any adopt designs, as long as the original art provided by me is not in any way used commercially.
Credit is appreciated.
- Client shall not reproduce and/or otherwise use the Work in any manner for purposes of training artificial intelligence technologies to generate work, including without limitation, technologies that are capable of generating works in the same style or genre as the Work. Nor shall Client sublicense others to reproduce and/or otherwise use the Work in any manner for purposes of training artificial intelligence technologies to generate work.- All works that the client receives are intended for personal use only. Commercial licenses can be discussed privately.- Client may NOT edit, sell or reproduce in any capacity. With exception of making items such as stickers or charms for themselves only. If client wishes to make a small edit, they can ask permission.

BLACKLISTplease note that I am very strict with myself when it comes to blacklisting publically. I do not blacklist people for personal spats, as I see these lists as a name-and-shame. Reasons for the blacklists are provided.Most are blacklisted for AI stuff.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please DO NOT stalk, harass or reach out to anyone on this list on my behalf. This list is meant to serve as a means to prevent falsely commissioning me on behest of the named parties. Any involvement with my stalkers that is caused through this list will get you blacklisted, too.
- Lee/Seventhstranger/Eyes0faStranger/Splinters0fIce/Muttmaws/Seventhtiger > Stalking me and various friends, harassment, spreading rumors about me, attempted revenge art by making genderbent versions of my characters, threats of a callout via google doc. Important to note is that this guy barely/almost never interacted with me and I do NOT know him.- Any zoophiles, Nazis, Pedophiles LGBTQ+ phobics or otherwise nasty people.- DrawingPolygon > Involvement in NFT related project by IronHills- FangelicV > Involvement in NFT related project by IronHills- JaneFlufffy/JaneFluffy > prompting and using AI generated images. Breaking TOS.- InfernoDutchie > Usage of AI generated images, generating AI images.- Rekaro > usage of AI generators, allowing AI generators on their platform, trying to convince me that using AI is "alright" because artists get plagiarised anyway.- danivendetta > using a custom design by me for AI generation purposes, generating AI images/using/defending AI usage..-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
About the stalkers:
The offending party is liable for any third party action caused through them. Case will be opened if offending party fails to cease stalking and harassment through themselves and/or third parties. Third party actions can and will be traced back to offending party.

Full sceneries and fullbodies

Ref sheets

Busts and Icons



Meme doodles and drawovers